Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Sensible Publishing Announces New Release.

You loyal readers are assuredly in a continued state of mild euphoria as we all await the next prophetic words from the leader of our ever-growing Army of Reason, Guiles Gonoughan, as dispensed as though from God on High through periodic publication of his autobiography, A Life Without Mistakes. What you may not know is that this long-awaited tome, which will soon assume an honored place next to the King James Bible in sensible bookshelves everywhere, is but one upcoming publication for newly-established Gource arm Sensible Publications. It is my pleasure to announce to the assembled Army of Reason, as Moses once did from his mountain-top, that the truth is about to trickle-down from the Almighty through His Agents.

The first upcoming work to be available from Sensible Publications, and to be offered in installments here at the Grimary Gource, is written by myself:

The Efficient Solution: Solving Eichmann and Himmler's Logistical Problems, by Gunðer Gastergack.

Himmler always looked very sensible.

Summary: Scholars have long agreed that Nazi allocation of valuable resources to extermination camps and especially to the railroad transportation of Jews and others diverted the economy and the efforts of troops at the front. Some have even suggested that it was the High Command's extrordinary commitment of time, money and men to solving the Jewish Question that caused the Reich's military defeats. In this ambitious new text, Gastergack takes us into the mechnanics of the Reich and offers new perspectives on how the Nazis could have more efficiently disposed of their unwanted citizens while simultaneously increasing the war effort. Join Gastergack as he lays out the blueprint that should have been taken to ensure a German victory. Available in Hardcover only. 538 pages, Sensible Publications, 2007.


Unknown said...

I don't know how you managed to filled in 534 pages of bulshit with a thesis as ireparably misinformed as you, Mr. Gastergack might be on this one occasion.

THe truth is that Himmler and the gang didn't actually take away much of anything economically from the Nazi warfront with the Jewish solution. The truth is that the answer to the Jewish question took up very little Nazi resources.

One example is some evidence contrary to a point mentioned in the aforementioned article. Was the Nazis train system handicapped by the ideological prerogative? The answer is not really. Only 2,000 trains were used for deportation of Jews wheras 30,000 trains a day were available for war efforts. The 2000 trains were impediments to nothing. This was around 2 trains a day. These 2 trains were also the lowest priority and often waited until warfront trains passed. This was part of why so many died in the actual train cars.

Another question that might be brought up is Weren't troops getting diverted in order to control the Jews? The answer, again, is not really. Most of the people manning the camps were too old and would never have been on the fronts. Also, the death camps were actually making money. Everything stripped from Jews was sold including hair for submarine insulation.

The Germans also didn't really have a shortage of labor until later in the war. This was the time in which the Jews that were left began to be used more as laborers.

Gunðer Gastergack said...


If you disagree with my conclusions the only possible response is to realise your findings in a counter-book.