The Grimary Gource is currently offering some fantastic t-shirts available for purchase. They look like this:

If you want to buy one, send an e-mail to, and maybe we'll consider it. Specify size and sex. T-shirts cost $20, and if you want us to put your ugly mug on the front, that'll be another $5. Order today and receive the t-shirt you ordered.
If you want to buy one, send an e-mail to, and maybe we'll consider it. Specify size and sex. T-shirts cost $20, and if you want us to put your ugly mug on the front, that'll be another $5. Order today and receive the t-shirt you ordered.
Your logo is clearly stolen from Onstad's 'Baths Only' Robert Smith.
Isn't it time Guiles stopped aping Achewood?
it is remarkable how Adobe Illustrator can make Robert Smith look so similar to myself.
In the future please try keep this commenting area clear of your silly bullshit talk so the droves of loyal followers can lay down their dollars to the Gource.
If I find out that Guiles Gonoughan is goth, I will just die.
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