Thursday, August 21, 2008

Michael Phelps - Can't We Rally Around Him?

Honestly, The Gource tends to be a bit unenthused by the Olympics. For one thing, it pits our athletes against those from other nations, something that should only be done on the battlefield. Also, it often leads to debacles (pictured). But this year, we finally have reason to celebrate: a white person has been performing splendidly against foreigners.
Michael Phelps has been showing the world that there is a good reason to hold the Olympics somewhere other than America: it gives our opponents less distance to go when they run home crying.
Frankly, it has been a difficult year for the Olympics. Americans stateside have had to endure the whining of pan-Asians (probably) about the alleged missteps China has taken in its treatment of Tibet (Still? Really? What year is it that we're still discussing this?) and its involvement in the War for The Hearts and Minds of the Sudanese and Also Most of Their Limbs. While the Gource absolutely does not support what China is doing (ever), neither does it support waiting over ten minutes at an important intersection because people have an enormous complaining banner.
And so the Gource anticipated a disappointing Olympics, the sort where people from other countries beat people from our own (American) one. Luckily, that did not happen.
Meet the white man who is beating everyone:
Something to think about whenever anyone suggests that white people aren't superior.

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Holocaust - Can it be Proven?

Recently, the Belgian author of a Holocaust-related memoir admitted that she made the whole thing up. This raises a very important question: Is there any non-fictionalized evidence that the Holocaust actually happened?
It has been a long time since this has been timely, but there are two important Holocaust questioners to know about. One of them famously discussed his skepticism at a well-known United States University, and was largely reviled by so-called "historians" and "Jews."
The other just died. In his absence, maybe it is time to re-raise the question: Did the thing happen? Or is it a myth? Or did it happen to, like, a couple guys, and then got blown out of proportion?
Remembering the Holocaust, one will turn to historical documents such as Schindler's List, Life is Beautiful, Sophie's Choice, and Jakob the Liar. These movies all have something in common: they benefit directly from the public believing in the Holocaust. If it had never happened, nobody would see these awful, boring movies (and it's spelled J-A-C-O-B, thank you very much). It would seem that there is no substantial non-fiction non-movie on the subject.
The issue is not yet resolved.
The Gource has long viewed itself a reconciliatory publication (except when we are purposely trying to divide people against each other). Here we discuss the way to completely submit to both science and religion, without ignoring either. It is not necessary for everything true to be proven. Case in point: God. And Reaganomics. So, maybe there is not extant evidence that the Holocaust really occurred, but we at The Gource have faith that it did.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

America's Incarcerated - Can't We Do Better?

Wise up, America. According to a recent article in the Jew York Times, over 1% of American adults are in jail or prison. This is the highest the proportion has ever been. Frankly, this sort of item is the kind of wake-up call we need: Time to put more people in prison. The Grimary Gource will not be satisfied until only 1% of American are free.
Reader, think about yourself, and then think about 99 other people, preferably liberals. How many of those people deserve to be walking the streets, panhandling for "green" organizations and voting to close American businesses? If you're thinking clearly, the answer should be "one:" you.
But how to best accomplish this feat? Luckily, you are reading the only website that can answer that question. First, we need to step up the penalties for drug-related offenses, especially marijuana ones. Offer monetary bonuses to any police officer who arrests someone for suspected use or possession of this dangerous drug, and make the minimum prison sentence for such a crime Thirty Years. Also, start enforcing sodomy laws (I'm certain the Supreme Court is ready to overturn its previous anti-Texan ruling).
Next, abolish the death penalty. Now, I'm aware that this is a controversial statement to make, especially when the death penalty has so far successfully managed to deter crime such that the nationwide murder rate has been dropping steadily since the United States was founded (98% of the population was murdered in the year 1777 -- know your facts). However, what if we commuted all death sentences, allowing the swelling prison populations to serve as grim reminders to the free population that they, at any time, could be asked to share a cell with one of these men (we will find a way to get rid of women too, unless they start pulling their weight, crime-wise [actually, overturning Roe v. Wade and prosecuting babymurdering would be a great start]).
But what will become of our economy? I hear alarmists and human rights craptivists ask. Come on, don't be dense. If we continue to use our prison population for cheap labor (we needn't legally pay them minimum wage-- don't tell me this isn't a Great Nation), we can continue to have a working economy, one with almost universal slave labor. This can actually only help our economy by making the rich (readers of This Publication) richer.
So get on board, readership. Write to your Congressman or Presidential campaigner of choice (like you really have one) and tell them to make this issue a cornerstone of their campaign and term in office. A check would also help. You can also send the check to the Gource, and we will mail it along for you.