Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Families - What in the World is Wrong with Them?

I have often felt that the Grimary Gource could use a bit more human interest subject matter. While deciding what would make for interesting reading I got an e-mail from my Aunt Gellen, who lives in Gakewood, CA and owns and operates a Jewish bookstore. Now, from just this information you could easily reason that by now I would have marked her address as "Spam" and be done with that business. But I have found that her missives to me make me so furious I arrive at just the correct temprament for composing these tributes to fortitude.
As it happens, my Aunt Gellen somehow stumbled upon this website while looking for information on diabetes or something, and has since taken to reading it every day. If you look here, you can see a list of the locations of the Gource's visitors. She is the one in Israel. No, she doesn't live in Israel. She routes her internet through an Israeli service, just to be contrary. Yes, this is indicative of the problem with her. No, it isn't the whole problem.
Since beginning to read the Gource, she has daily (sometimes twice-daily) e-mailed me to condemn me for the Truths contained within my writings and those of my colleagues. I shall henceforth post her e-mails, and respond here rather than to her privately. My hope is that she will be so embarrassed by her errors made public that she will cut off contact with me entirely, and perhaps retire to a life of lip balm-collecting. Here is her e-mail, in toto:

Once again I find myself completely appalled by your writing in that blog of yours. Gource Feathers, I call it. In a recent essay (I call them "messays"), you wrote:
"How do women expect men to take them seriously if they continue to wear makeup and high heels? Also, how do women expect to find a man if they continue to hold jobs? Are they just doing their best to be a burden on all observers of the weaker sex? And what about baseball? Is that still in season?"
On top of the generally poor quality of writing here (I call it "wronging"), you degrade all women, everywhere, with your sexist behavior and womanizing [sic*] antics. I am ashamed to call you a part of my family (I call it "shamily").
Now, Aunt Gellen, please allow me to respond in kind:

Fuck you.

*Is womanizing even a word? I mean, seriously. Does it mean turning someone into a woman, the same way colonizing means turning something into a colony? Game, set, snatch.

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