Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sally Field - What Does She Know About Anything?

Nothing. What do I know: That I should really just stop committing time to televised award shows, as my track record with these programs hasn’t been great. However, it’s too late to apply this lesson to the Emmys, since I already watched them. Maybe you’ve heard about the alleged controversy that’s risen out of the ashes of this hateful 8 hour stretch of TV. If not, I’ll briefly fill you in.

Sally Field, a woman best known for being famous over thirty years ago for reasons nobody can recall has a well-documented history of terrible acceptance speeches. Apparently she won an Emmy last night (don’t ask me what for, I was fairly engrossed in designing the handsome new logo you no doubt notice at the top of this page. However, as Sally Field began yammering into the microphone I was at once unable to ignore the Emmys. My inability to ignore her was influenced by two things: the idiocy of her words and the infuriating voice God cursed Sally Field with, a voice she used to say her idiotic words. Please endure the following video of the event:

Now, you no doubt know how I feel about fat people, ugly people, irrational people, precocious women, and liberals. How unfortunate for me (and you, and everyone we know) that Sally Field happens to be all five of these things? I’m almost tempted to be annoyed with the Fox Network for failing to provide viewers with an adequate warning about the presence of this troll. I guess, however, their correct decision to cut her off and censor her egregious use of the Lord’s name makes up for their lack of foresight.

The issue is not that celebrities frequently voice their misled, unfounded, and unreasonable opinions on politics (often in the form of poorly structured sentences and/or music), it’s that they continue to get away with it. I realize that there’s a sliver of a margin of a percentage of people who might, inexplicably, agree with Sally Field on the issue of war, but I also know that there is a strong, vocal, and properly hostile majority willing to speak out in favor of the Act. It’s this group’s failure to retaliate that I’m confused by. Why do soldiers, their mothers, and people capable of thought and violence let these Hollywood elitists speak to us this way as though we were helots? This absolutely will not stand, and so I demand you, dear readers, to punch a celebrity square in their face should you happen upon one on the street.


The GPP Factory said...

I love Sally Field, saw nothing wrong with her speech-other than she seemed nervous and unprepared, and this article seems a tad idiotic and rather pathetic. Seriously...I dont know what type of people read your crap and like it...but wow...hopefully it is not the majority of our country!

The GPP Factory said...

Oh...and as for her views on war..while I dont know if I agree with all of them or not. The greatest thing about living in this country and having soldiers fight to keep American's rights...is that she has the right to speak her opinion. I agree that our soldiers should come home..since I am in the military and actually do want the war to end. While this may not happen right away, I dont think many people in this world, minus a few cruel people, actually want soldiers dying. And while it is a fact of life, I dont see anything wrong with her saying she wants the troops home safe. Also, saying that you hate ugly people or fat people...just shows that you probably are not the type of person I would want to take advice or actually listen to anyway.

Anonymous said...

So you don't like fat people, ugly people, irrational people, precocious women, and liberals why don't you also add haters so you can dislike yourself and the rest of the population you missed in the original list. I would suggest you get a life and let the little things that annoy you go by without comment. You would feel much better.