People who pay as close attention to the goings-on in our motherland will know that there have been a series of prostitute murders in Suffolk, which is apparently a place there, too. The past month-and-a-half has seen about four or five of these blah blah blah blah
Look: why in the world are we even worrying about these issues? There is a solid, rational reason that serial killers tend to target prostitutes (it is the same reason I satisfy my bloodlust by weekly hunting the bird of the season: there are plenty of them, and they don't really matter. There will always be women who insist on breaking the law just to get in on the world's second-oldest profession (the first is punditry), in the same way that there will always be pheasants or geese or whatever. As The Gource sees it, these killers do us all a favor by eliminating some of the excess: they submit to their urges without bothering the law-abiding public, and they create a greater scarcity in the sex market, which protects the livelihoods of these "women." That way, everyone wins.
Here is what I cannot abide, though: imitation. A recent Gallup poll showed that 86% of th
e people aware of this serial killing "problem" immediately thought of Jack the Ripper, another civic-minded individual who cut down the prostitute population. I know I did, and I'm smarter than any of the people dumb enough to take a poll. When one makes the life decision to start killing people, one should shoot for originality: these are the murders that serial killers will ultimately be known for.
If this new Ripper wants to make a name for himself while still performing a public service, he could try killing drug users--these are more criminals whose lives aren't worth as much as yours or mine.
Here is what I cannot abide, though: imitation. A recent Gallup poll showed that 86% of th

If this new Ripper wants to make a name for himself while still performing a public service, he could try killing drug users--these are more criminals whose lives aren't worth as much as yours or mine.
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