Monday, November 06, 2006

Cars on Campus - Why Don't They Just Find Their Own Roads?

Imagine this scenario: a typical student (white) is walking around campus, reading a copy of the Grimary Gource, imagining how much better the world would be if the "one strike, you're out" policy were implemented, feeling comfortable enough with his sexuality not to have to look where's going, when suddenly he is mowed down by a car, usually driven by a senior citizen. You don't have to imagine this, because it happens every day. "Sure," you may be thinking, "in a third world country like Portugal." No. Right here. America. Gufts. Learn your facts.
I cannot count the number of times I have seen a car driving somewhere I previously thought reserved solely for foot traffic. This is clearly indicative of problem behavior elsewhere. Allowing cars to be driven in places that should be pedestrian-only just creates a slippery slope to allowing cars to be driven indoors, or through the air. The Grimary Gource will not stand for automobiles clogging up our precious airspace, busy taking high-powered executives from one event to another, allowing them to continue to work in our best interests.
We need to show motorists that this will not stand. The only way to do this is by outlawing the use of cars on college campi. Once we have done that, the number of automobile deaths will decrease drastically. Of course, you won't find Michael Moore advocating a reasoned solution like this, but isn't that what makes the Gource a more trustworthy source of information than any documentary film-maker of greater than 300 lbs.

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