Recently there has been an uproar over the impromptu execution of a guilty black groom, the classic archetype from crime stories and detective novels. The man, Sean Bell, was felled by two bullets. He was driving with two friends, who took eleven and three bullets, still managing to survive. The car itself was hit twenty-one times. In total, fifty bullets were fired. This is absolutely unacceptable. The NYPD must step up its game if it is to compete in the law enforcement economy.
The Gource will definitely be the only news source to relate this event to several precedents: in 1999, Amadou Diallo was killed by nineteen of forty-one bullets fired by NYPD as he reached for his weapon. In 2003, Ousmane Zongo was hit in the back by two of the four bullets that killed him. Clearly, the NYPD has not learned from its past mistakes and improved its gun-training program.
Need the Gource remind NYPD that it is our tax dollars (well, not the Gource's, thank Christ, but the dollars of seedy New York denizens) that buy their bullets? With this absurd and haphazard program of wasting bullets, the police are throwing away reso
urces that could be used to clean graffiti off the subways and elderly.
Those who have seen the excellent film The Professional know that it should only take one bullet to kill a man. This current practice of basically throwing bullets at every dangerous criminal and hoping for a 50% success rate is ludicrous. The Gource calls for New York to shut down its police department until it is properly trained the methods for subduing violent felons. Until they do this, we will just be flushing our hard-earned money down the toilet on behalf of the world's laziest police service, which is ironically stationed in the city with the most criminals.
Need the Gource remind NYPD that it is our tax dollars (well, not the Gource's, thank Christ, but the dollars of seedy New York denizens) that buy their bullets? With this absurd and haphazard program of wasting bullets, the police are throwing away reso

Those who have seen the excellent film The Professional know that it should only take one bullet to kill a man. This current practice of basically throwing bullets at every dangerous criminal and hoping for a 50% success rate is ludicrous. The Gource calls for New York to shut down its police department until it is properly trained the methods for subduing violent felons. Until they do this, we will just be flushing our hard-earned money down the toilet on behalf of the world's laziest police service, which is ironically stationed in the city with the most criminals.
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